What to watch ouT for - 3D Printing does have limitations
Size larger than 10" x 8" x 8 inches
They are too big (We have to be able to break up into separate prints or have a visible joint)
We were able to print the above only after the customer cut his model in half to print both halves.
Features smaller than 1 mm may not print
Small parts may have detail that will not print. Anything smaller than about 0.7 mm will probably not print. this is true even for commercial 3D printers.
STL Model errors
The red area of the model shown above is an indication that the surface will not print correctly. We can usually detect these problems with a thorough STL model review prior to printing.
Features that can easily break during support removal
Any horizontal surface above the build platform will require support.
The round “legs” shown above were attached by thin areas which broke easily.
The “wing’ on top was only held on by a thin rectangle, and easily broke off,
We can review your model prior to print to warn you of these issues and suggest improvements.
Small plastic objects or one subject to being broken into smaller parts by abuse are choking hazards for small children. Please do not let children play with 3D Printed objects unsupervised.
ABS is not designed for food contact and long term contact with oils/gasoline. (I can try to use nylon for that application.) See link to left for compatibility.)
Parts are all one color. May be able to print separate parts or color by layer, but more expensive.
Direction of print affects strength / appearance
The part above can flex because it was printed horizontally. If printed vertically it would break.
Thin or highly stressed 3D printed parts are typically weak in vertical direction of print and strongest when printed horizontally.
Best appearance is the side or top of a print. The bottom side may look rougher due to support removal
3D printed parts do not typically hold water or keep pressurized air from leaking at slow rates.